Smart digital solutions

Who we are

Experienced UX and Web designers, crafting innovative digital solutions for clients worldwide

A team of specialists, passionate about new technologies & progress

Welcome to, your expert team for UX and web design! With our deep expertise and passion for digital innovation, we craft exceptional solutions for clients worldwide. Our experienced designers leverage their creativity and know-how to deliver stunning user experiences and high-quality websites. Dive into the realm of digital possibilities with our team and let us bring your vision to life together.

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Years in business
Rockstar specialists
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Completed projects
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Happy Customers

SOME Projects

Our work speaks better than words!

Start a project with us?

Have an idea? Let's discuss it!


Perfect solutions for freelancers, clubs and charitable organizations!

Business Card

For Freelancers
179 plus VAT
  • Subpage Design
  • One-Page Design
  • Up to 4 sceen slides
  • Complete package A-Z
  • Modern WordPress website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Imprint included
  • Privacy policy included
  • Cookie notice included
  • Loading time optimization
  • Custom plugin coding included
  • Small CSS adjustments
  • Contact form included
  • Google Maps integration
  • Personal project manager


For Clubs & Charity
349 plus VAT
  • Subpage Design
  • One-Page Design
  • Up to 5 subpages / slides
  • Complete package A-Z
  • Modern WordPress website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Imprint included
  • Privacy policy included
  • Cookie notice included
  • Loading time optimization
  • Custom plugin coding included
  • Small CSS adjustments
  • Contact form included
  • Google Maps integration
  • Personal project manager


For Clubs & Charity
449 plus VAT
  • Subpage Design
  • One-Page Design
  • Up to 10 subpages / slides
  • Complete package A-Z
  • Modern WordPress website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Imprint included
  • Privacy policy included
  • Cookie notice included
  • Loading time optimization
  • Small custom plugin coding included
  • CSS coding included
  • Contact form included
  • Google Maps integration
  • Personal project manager


For Clubs & Charity
499 plus VAT
  • Subpage Design
  • One-Page Design
  • Up to 15 subpages
  • Complete package A-Z
  • Modern WordPress website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Imprint included
  • Privacy policy included
  • Cookie notice included
  • Loading time optimization
  • Custom plugin coding included
  • CSS coding included
  • Contact form included
  • Google Maps integration
  • Personal project manager

The offer is exclusively targeted towards freelancers, clubs and charitable organizations.
A 50% deposit is required upon commencement of the contract.


Perfect solutions for any business!


For small companies
1.249 plus VAT
  • Subpage Design
  • One-Page Design
  • Up to 5 subpages / slides
  • Complete package from A-Z
  • Modern WordPress website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Imprint & privacy policy included
  • Cookie notice included
  • Loading time optimization
  • Small HTML adjustments included
  • Small CSS adjustments included
  • Contact form included
  • Google Maps integration
  • Personal project manager


For medium companies
1.749 plus VAT
  • Subpage Design
  • One-Page Design
  • Up to 10 subpages / slides
  • Complete package from A-Z
  • Modern WordPress website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Imprint & privacy policy included
  • Cookie notice included
  • Loading time optimization
  • HTML coding included
  • CSS coding included
  • Contact form included
  • Google Maps integration
  • Personal project manager


For large companies
2.249 plus VAT
  • Subpage Design
  • One-Page Design
  • Up to 15 subpages / slides
  • Complete package from A-Z
  • Modern WordPress website
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • Imprint & privacy policy included
  • Cookie notice included
  • Loading time optimization
  • Custom plugin coding included
  • HTML coding included
  • CSS coding included
  • Contact form included
  • Google Maps integration
  • Personal project manager

The offer is exclusively targeted towards businesses and companies.
A 50% deposit is required upon commencement of the contract.

Pricing plans for WordPress Maintenance

Perfect solution for anyone!


For Freelancers, Clubs & Charity
9.95 plus VAT
Per month (annual payment)
  • Annual subscription, cancel anytime
  • Monthly subscription
    15 € per month (plus VAT), cancel anytime
  • 30 Min. *Support per Month
  • Each additional 15 minutes at 9.95 € (plus VAT)
  • Weekly Updates
  • Updates included: WordPress-Core, Theme & Plugins
  • Critical updates immediately
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Monitoring every 15 min. if website is available
  • In case of outages, we'll automatically take action
  • Emergency Support
  • Fast recovery in case of website outages or disruptions
  • Weekly backup of the WordPress website for the last 4 weeks
  • 24/7 WordPress Security. Real-time Firewall (WAF), including login protection, protection against bots & brute force attacks
  • 1x yearly optimization to improve *page loading speed


For Freelancers & Companies
29.50 plus VAT
Per month (annual payment)
  • Annual subscription, cancel anytime
  • Monthly subscription
    34 € per month (plus VAT), cancel anytime
  • 30 Min. *Support per Month
  • Each additional 15 minutes at 19.99 € (plus VAT)
  • Weekly Updates
  • Updates included: WordPress-Core, Theme & Plugins
  • Critical updates immediately
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Monitoring every 15 min. if website is available
  • In case of outages, we'll automatically take action
  • Emergency Support
  • Fast recovery in case of website outages or disruptions
  • Daily backup of the WordPress website for the last 14 days
  • 24/7 WordPress Security. Real-time Firewall (WAF), including login protection, protection against bots & brute force attacks
  • 1x yearly optimization to improve *page loading speed


For Companies
49.50 plus VAT
Per month (annual payment)
  • Annual subscription, cancel anytime
  • Monthly subscription
    59,50 € per month (plus VAT), cancel anytime
  • 45 Min. *Support per Month
  • Each additional 15 minutes at 19.99 € (plus VAT)
  • Weekly Updates
  • Updates included: WordPress-Core, Theme & Plugins
  • Critical updates immediately
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Monitoring every 5 min. if website is available
  • In case of outages, we'll automatically take action
  • Emergency Support
  • Fast recovery in case of website outages or disruptions
  • Daily backup of the WordPress website for the last 30 days
  • 24/7 WordPress Security. Real-time Firewall (WAF), including login protection, protection against bots & brute force attacks
  • 2x yearly optimization to improve *page loading speed


For Companies
149 plus VAT
Per month (annual payment)
  • Annual subscription, cancel anytime
  • Monthly subscription
    174 € per month (plus VAT), cancel anytime
  • Unlimited *Support per Month
  • Request assistance for tasks as many times as needed
  • Weekly Updates
  • Updates included: WordPress-Core, Theme & Plugins
  • Critical updates immediately
  • 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
  • Monitoring every minute if website is available
  • In case of outages, we'll automatically take action
  • Emergency Support
  • Fast recovery in case of website outages or disruptions
  • Daily backup of the WordPress website for the last 90 days
  • 24/7 WordPress Security. Real-time Firewall (WAF), including login protection, protection against bots & brute force attacks
  • 4x yearly optimization to improve *page loading speed

*Pagespeed optimization:
Page loading speeds maximum optimization dependends on your hosting provider.
We’re happy to advise if, for example, a more powerful hosting solution is needed.

*Support includes:
Uploading texts, Uploading images, Installing plugins, CSS adjustments, Fixing layout errors,
Uploading blog posts, Implementing landing pages …and much more!


Allan Jens Potulski


“Let’s embark on an exciting journey together, fueled by creativity and passion. As founder of, I’m thrilled to blend my love for coding and design to create amazing experiences. Join our team in shaping your projects filled with warmth, collaboration, and endless possibilities!”

Pricing plans FOR Emergency Assistance

You need help? We offer fast solutions in an emergency situation!

15 Minutes Ticket

For smaller changes & adjustments

24 plus VAT
  • Perfect for smaller adjustments or changes
  • Adding & changing Text & Images
  • Changing Configurations
  • On Demand Database & Website Backup
  • Implementing new Plugins
  • 15 Minutes WordPress Assistance
  • Detailed Report
  • Hands on assistance

30 Minutes Ticket

For smaller issues

49 plus VAT
  • The first 15 minutes are on the house!
  • We analyze the issue and if we can solve your problem within 15 minutes, there will be no additional costs for you. If the solution requires more time, we'll notify you in advance before any charges apply
  • 30 Minutes WordPress Assistance
  • If solving the issue requires more than 15 minutes, we'll continue for 30 minutes. If it takes longer, we'll continue billing in 15minute intervals (€22.50 per 15 minutes)
  • We'll notify you in advance before any other charges apply.
  • Detailed Report
  • Hands on assistance

60 Minutes Ticket

It takes more effort?

89 plus VAT
  • The first 15 minutes are on the house!
  • We analyze the issue and if we can solve your problem within 15 minutes, there will be no additional costs for you. If the solution requires more time, we'll notify you in advance before any charges apply
  • 60 Minutes WordPress Assistance
  • If solving the issue requires more than 15 minutes, we'll continue for 60 minutes. If it takes longer, we'll continue billing in 15minute intervals (€22.50 per 15 minutes)
  • We'll notify you in advance before any other charges apply.
  • Detailed Report
  • Hands on assistance

Malware cleanup

Swift, thorough malware removal service
499 plus VAT
  • Analyzing server security
  • Checking for plugin security leaks
  • Safe removal of malware
  • We analyze the point of entry of the malware and thoroughly cleanse WordPress from any malicious software
  • Security concept
  • After cleanup, we implement comprehensive security measures including a firewall to protect against future attacks.
  • 6-month guarantee
  • We offer you a 6-month guarantee. In the very rare event of a virus recurrence, we'll assist you free of charge.
  • Daily Website Backup
  • Daily backup of the WordPress website for the next 180 days
  • Detailed Report
  • Hands on assistance

How we work

Working with us is simple!



Brainstorming ideas, defining goals, setting objectives, and outlining strategies for effective planning discussions.


Refine concepts, outline vision, identify key elements, and establish direction for cohesive project development.


Final strategy

Crafting the ultimate strategy, aligning objectives, refining tactics, and preparing for execution with precision.


Putting plans into action, executing strategies, monitoring progress, and adjusting for optimal implementation success.

Testing & evaluation

Testing and checking how things work, seeing what's good and what needs fixing for improvement.

Support & updates

Providing assistance and keeping things up-to-date for ongoing improvement and customer satisfaction.

Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia

Please call before visit

For clients & partners

tel. +49 (0) 2247 9000 265

Business days 9 AM - 7 PM